Eden is located on the NSW South Coast, ideally situated mid-way between Sydney and Melbourne and with its stunning harbour, Twofold Bay, is the third deepest natural harbour in the world.
With its rich maritime history and amazing whale watching and heritage stories, Eden delivers nature at its best.
Eden is set in coastal wilderness of magnificent rugged landscapes with golden beaches and crystal waters.
A whale watching wonderland throughout Spring, Eden is home to some of Australia’s most significant whale heritage sites and the amazing ‘Killers of Eden’ story, which can be experienced on the ‘Killer Whale Trail’ all year round.
Cruise Eden is a part of Sapphire Coast Tourism and as such, has a good relationship with a large number of local tourism operators. Cruise Eden can assist with the organisation or local tailored tours, put you in contact with local operators and provide local trained tour guides.
Each cruise ship visiting the Port of Eden is welcomed by a local ‘Meet & Greet’ team who will provide portside information for passengers and assist with information. Passengers will also be treated to Cruise Markets at the port offering local produce and wares for sale.
PO Box 89
Merimbula NSW 2548