Media Releases
The Australian Cruise Association (ACA) announced today that it will go west in 2025 and hold its Annual Conference and AGM in Fremantle/Walyalup, Perth’s eclectic port city and the premier cruise gateway to Western Australia (WA).
Media Releases
Federal Minister for Trade and Tourism, Senator the Hon. Don Farrell has officially opened the 2024 Australian Cruise Association (ACA) Conference and AGM which is being held from 4-6 September in Adelaide, South Australia.
Media Releases
Shark attack survivor, Chris Blowes, has been confirmed as the keynote speaker at this year’s Australian Cruise Association Conference breakfast on Friday, 6 September.
Media Releases
Minister Farrell will speak at the Welcome Event, to be held at local landmark, Skycity Adelaide, which officially begins the two-day conference.
Media Releases
Two of Australia’s leading cruise industry associations, Australian Cruise Association (ACA) and Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA) will return to Australian Tourism Exchange (ATE) this month to promote the diverse range of cruising products in Australia to the international travel market.
Media Releases
A record member delegation from the Australian Cruise Association (ACA) is attending Seatrade Cruise Global in Miami, Florida this year.
Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of Australian Cruise Association will be held at The Playford Hotel, 120 North Terrace, Adelaide, on Friday 6th September 2024 commencing at 9.30am (ACST).
The pandemic is in the rear vision mirror!!
In 2019, just over 30 million passengers took a cruise, a record for the industry. It was predicted last year at Seatrade that by 2026 the number would be 34.5 million. 2023 is already looking to take 33 million passengers on a cruise, with new prediction for 2026 moving to 39 million. The rebound of cruise has been rapid and the future looks bright. Cruise is attracting a new wave of first-time cruisers. With 40 newbuilds entering the market in 2023, there are newer, smarter and technically improved ships sailing the globe.
Provide strategic support and leadership as part of a Board of Management to the Australian Cruise Association for the benefit of all members, ensuring the highest level of governance.
Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of Australian Cruise Association will be held at Novotel Wollongong Northbeach on Friday 1st September 2023 commencing at 9.30am (ADST).